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Research Papers
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Agatha Lenartowicz, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator

Cognitive neuroscientist by training, with expertise in neuroimaging methods, multi-modal imaging, and translational  research. Passionate about real-life applications of attention research!

alenarto at g dot ucla dot edu

LinkedIn, ResearchGate, GoogleScholar

Joel Diaz
Research Associate

An expert in computing & informatics, data scientist and aspiring neuroscientist. Whiz in troubleshooting and creating new technology from old parts. Joel is now a graduate student at the University of Toronto working towards his Ph.D.

Personal Website

Holly Truong
Research Associate

Irreplaceable research associate with years of experience in research coordination, neuroimaging and clinical data collection, data processing, and coding-bug identification.

Stella, Chang, Ph.D.
Research Associate

A trained neuroscientist and emerging data scientist. Stella is a meticulous research associate with expertise in electrophysiology and cognitive neuroscience methods.

Sarah Fulton, B.Sc.
Research Associate

Motivated, talented, and instrumental in supporting all of our lab activities, Sarah is a neuroscientist in the making and an accomplished marathon runner.

Saad Nisar
Research Associate

Bringing great positive energy to the lab, Saad is a talented, creative thinker, and an aspiring scientist clinician.

Nicolas Zink, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Nico’s expertise includes executive functions, graph theory and network science analysis, especially in application to EEG data. Big thinker and explorer.

ResearchGate, GoogleScholar

Tim Kelley, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

An expert in metacognition and memory, Tim leverages neuroimaging methods and both univariate and multivariate analytical techniques in his research.

Talía Roman, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Talented cognitive neuroscientist, Talía combines expertise in neuroimaging, working memory and individual differences in her research program.

Chief Collaborators

Sandra Loo, Ph.D.
Psychiatry, UCLA

Dr. Sandra Loo is professor-in-residence in the Division of Child Psychiatry and the Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics. Dr. Loo is a clinical psychologist and is the director of Pediatric Neuropsychology in the Medical Psychology Assessment Center.


Giorgia Michelini, Ph.D.
UCLA, Queen Mary University

An interdisciplinary scientist, whose research focuses on the etiology and EEG correlates of ADHD and mood disorders across development. Giorgia is an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) at Queen Mary University of London.



Jennie Grammer, Ph.D.

Dr. Grammer is associate professor at GSEIS. Her research explores changes in children’s cognitive skills from early childhood across the transition to elementary school and the contexts that promote this growth.


Mark S. Cohen, Ph.D.
Psychiatry, UCLA

Dr. Mark Cohen is a neuroscientist and early pioneer of functional brain imaging using magnetic resonance imaging – as well as multimodal imaging. He currently is a Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology, Radiology, Psychology, Biomedical Physics & Engineering.


Karen Mullinger, Ph.D.
University of Nottingham

Dr. Karen Mullinger is a physicist and neuroscientist, with extensive expertise in multimodal neuroimaging and high-field fMRI imaging. She holds appointments at the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Center as well as at the University of Birmingham.


Cameron Rodriguez, Ph.D.

Dr. Rodriguez is an accomplished physicist and engineer. He is an expert on the implementation of EEG and fMRI. He has developed the leading technologies in gradient artifact correction and balistocardiogram artifact timing. He is the founder and lead of Neuro-AI, a leader in delivering advanced neuroimaging capabilities to professional clients.

Other Agents

International Student Collaborators

  • René Fraichel (University of Amsterdam)
  • Shiqi Lu (Queen Mary University)

Graduate Student Collaborators

  • Alessandra Dallavecchia (Psychology)
  • Kaylee Null (Psychology)
  • Grace Miao (Communications)
  • Kyle Hay (Education)
  • Kaylee Null (Psychology)

Current Undergraduates

  • Lennox Li (Cognitive Science)
  • Jocelyn Yang (Cognitive Science)

High school Students

  • Hailey Aguirre (Geffen)
  • Christine Wong (Northwood)

Alums (Gone but not forgotten)

  • Stellar research associates Samantha O’Connell, Samantha Betts, Steven Lu, Sean Noah, Gevork Salmastyan, Maya Khalil.
  • Unforgettable graduate collaborators Austin Head, Juan Diego Vera, Elizabeth Mills, Josh Cain, Eve Xu, Alfedo Pulini and Joe Jurgiel.
  • Countless amazing undergraduates, and high school students, who are now building a better world.